4th RsDA International Workshop
July 22 - 23, 2019Venue
Pullman Khon Kaen Raja Orchid Hotel, Khon Kaen, Thailand
On 21st, Khon Kaen University arranged the transfer between the airport and Pullman Hotel. 8:00 | 11:50 | 14:35 | 17:40 | 19:40. Check the e-mail from NAKAMURA-san for the detail.
The main aim of the workshop is to discuss practical approaches to build a network for collaboration rather than presentation of papers. Since Southeast and East Asian countries have large diversity in many aspects -language, culture, higher education systems, industrialization levels and so forth, the organizers are planning to collect information about local needs and seeds for digital archiving and preservation and to discuss ideas to develop a network to promote collaboration in the region. We would like to discuss a collaboration plan which allows loosely connected network of participating institutions.
This workshop series was started under the title "Academic Asset Preservation and Sharing in Southeast Asia" to foster longevity of digital data created by scholars and/or for scholarly purposes. At the workshop in 2018 at UiTM in Malaysia, we agreed to name this activity "RsDA". This acronym is close to RDA (Research Data Alliance), which is a global alliance of institutions and organizations for building the social and technical infrastructure to enable open sharing and re-use of data. The s in RsDA stands for small, sustainable and scholarly; the A stands for not only Alliance but also Asia.
As in previous Workshops, The RsDA Workshop will include invited lectures, presentations by contributors, interactive sessions, and tutorials. We welcome lectures or presentations about several important advanced technologies for curation and preservation of academic asset resources of your institute or country.
Short history: At "2nd Workshop on the Academic Asset Preservation and Sharing in Southeast Asia" at iPRES2017 in Kyoto and "Workshop on Digital Archiving and Preservation Collaboration in Asia-Pacific" at ICADL 2017 in Bangkok, we discussed sharing experiences, thoughts, knowledge and ideas to keep academic resources accessible and usable over time across borders. At the 3rd Workshop hosted by Universiti Teknologi MARA in Malaysia, we discussed and designed the metadata for the Inventory Database for academic digital assets. As written in the round table notes, our network is named RsDA, and the Workshop will follow the discussions in Malaysia, build the inventory database, evaluate its usefulness, and seek for the way of harvesting and populating metadata.
Follow the instruction for adding the metadata of your database service to RsDA Search.Program
Detailed program (PDF)July 22nd
@ Orchid Ballroom (2nd Floor)
Opening, Keynote speech and 8 practices showcases from 6 countries
Welcome Dinner @ Fhumui Room (1st floor) (RsDA members only)
July 23rd
@ Iyara (1st floor)
Panel 1: RsDA Session
MyDatabase for RsDA (tutorial), RsDA Database, RsDA discussion
Panel 2: KKU Library Session
Open Science, Scholarly Communication Analysis, Research Data Management
- Sponsored by: CSEAS, Kyoto University, Japan
- In cooperation with: Khon Kaen University, Thailand