Chinese in California Virtual Collection: Selections from the Bancroft Library

The materials selected are drawn from a variety of archival collections, compiled by institutions and libraries with varying missions. Major issues explored in these records include the Chinese contribution to California and the American West in the 19th and early 20th centuries; the rampant anti-Chinese sentiment encountered by these immigrants, eventually leading to the federal Chinese Exclusion Act of 1892 (repealed in 1943); and settlement and development in various communities, including San Francisco's Chinatown, which remains the largest Chinatown in the United States. The broader digital collection "Chinese in California Virtual Collection" has the Wikidata entry Other part of collections are in the Calisphere,, and, and they doesn't have corresponding entities in Wikidata for now.

The data below is fetched from Wikidata:Q108130792 at 2022-10-20 01:11:20 (UTC). Cached data of the Wikidata entry in JSON format is also available.

URL ( of aggregator )
collection creator
Bancroft Library
described at URL ( in English )
instance of
digital collection
official website ( in English, Chinese )
part of
Chinese in California Virtual Collection